Increasing Your Company’s Revenue with Government Sales
As the US economy begins to slow throughout the later half of 2022 and into 2023, organizations should consider developing a Government go to market strategy as a way to diversify their sales and reduce the risk of revenue shortfall.
Government Sales Plan for FY23 - When Should you Start Planning?
With the US Government FY 2022 quickly winding down (US Government year end is Sept 2022), now is the time for organizations to begin development of their FY 2023 Government sales plans.
Each year at this time, software companies begin to hear stories about how much money the Federal Government spends at the close of their fiscal year (yes, many of these stories are true) and ask themselves "how can I participate?"
Zero Trust: More than just a Buzzword
In May of 2021, the White House released Executive Order 14028 (Executive Order on Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity | The White House) entitled "Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity". This Executive Order was released in response to the Solar Winds attack and directs agencies to migrate to a Zero Trust security architecture by the of FY 2024.
The Potential Behind the Technology Modernization Fund
At Marion Square, we always counsel our clients to "follow the funding" or more plainly stated, focus your sales efforts on programs that have identified funding, we have found that this will be your quickest path to revenue. With that thought in mind I wanted to provide some background and a quick overview of a high profile, funded program that technology companies should have on their radar, the Federal Government’s Technology Modernization Fund (TMF).
Webinar Recording: What is the SBIR Program & why is it Potentially Valuable to my Organization?
Webinar Recording: What is the SBIR Program & why is it Potentially Valuable to my Organization?
SBIR Phase I Specifics
Why SBIR's:
As a quick refresher, at Marion Square we work with our clients to develop a comprehensive strategy for pursuing SBIR's. These programs are a critical piece to any successful Government go to market. Just recently Defense Secretary Austin stated that he wants to “double down on our Small Business Innovation Research program”, which is emerging as a preferred resource for gaining accelerated access to cutting-edge commercial technology through phased R&D and pilot programs. (Want To Scale Innovation at the DOD? Strengthen the SBIR Program - Nextgov)
What is the SBIR Program and why is it Potentially Valuable for your Organization?
Are you an innovative small company that has a technology you believe will solve a Government problem or provide an innovative solution to a Government need or requirement? Are you actively pursuing commercial customers or do you have a presence in the commercial markets today? Are you seeking non-dilutive types of funding to complete the development of your technology?
The Importance of B2G Market Research
In discussions with many of our client and prospect we are are constantly asked "What is the best practice for launching a Government sales program (B2G)?" Is it hiring the right sales rep? Is it getting a GSA schedule or other contract vehicle? Is it signing up the right reseller? While all of these activities play a vital role in the ultimate success of B2G program in our opinion the most important activity to invest in from the start is your market research!!
Federal Budget for FY2022- what can it tell us?
Getting mired in long sales cycles and endless meetings that yield little to no results is one of the greatest risks small businesses face when pursuing Government contracts. One of the critical success factors is understanding where, across the vast Federal landscape, to deploy sales and marketing resources to generate the greatest and quickest return.
When is the best time to start pursuing Government contracts?
The US Federal Government spends more money on IT than any Fortune 500 company, as proof the FY 21 IT budget exceeded $91B and the FY 22 IT budget is set at $97B. (Welcome to IT Dashboard | IT Dashboard) Unlike most commercial businesses, Governmental agencies are NOT incented to save and return budget dollars, this has in turn created a "use it or lose it" mentality among Government agencies when it comes to spending on IT solutions.
SBIR and the Lean Start Up…
At Marion Square we focus on helping technology companies launch/grow their US Government business. We view the Governments Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) research program as a low cost, low risk approach for small technology companies to test Government product / market fit for their product or service. Instead of guessing at market requirements or running around the DC beltway trying to meet with dozens of agencies the SBIR program (especially the USAF Open Topic) allows organizations to submit a short proposal (typically less than 10 pages) explaining how their product/service will solve a USAF problem.
A Government Sales Plan for 2021
At Marion Square we spend a great deal of time thinking about and researching the best approaches to enable small, innovative, technology companies successfully enter into the US Government marketplace.
2021 Federal Budget: The Key Areas of Federal IT Spending Predictions
Where will the US Government focus its technology spending in 2021, there are some key areas.
U.S. Air Force SBIR Open Topic: A Unique Approach to Win Government Business
USAFR AFWERX SBIR Open Topic: A unique approach to doing business with the US Government.
SBIR can be the foundation for your Government Business
At Marion Square we advise our clients that the SBIR program is not just a single contract award, instead they should view it as the potential foundation to begin to build their entire Government business.
U.S. Air Force SBIR Open Topic: A Unique Approach to Win Government Business
US Government Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program is a great, low cost, low risk approach for small companies to pursue Federal funding and contracts.
Small Business Innovative Research Program: How it can Help your Small Business
The US Governments Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program is a great way for small, innovative technology companies to pursue Federal funds and contracts.
Federal Fiscal Year End: How to Plan a Successful Government Marketing Campaign
We are at that time of year again...the US Federal Governments fiscal year end (Sept 30th) and with that organizations hear tales of how large Government contracts are being awarded with use it or lose it funding.
Government Contract: Why You Shouldn't Forget About Them
Thinking about hopping into the Federal Government market? Don't forget to make contracting a key piece of your launch.
FISMA vs FedRAMP: What's the Difference & Similarities
Marion Square provides both consulting and technical services to assist organizations in achieving their FedRamp certification.