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Webinar Recording: What is the SBIR Program & why is it Potentially Valuable to my Organization?

Are you an innovative small company that has a technology you believe will solve a Government problem or provide an innovative solution to a Government need or requirement? Are you actively pursuing commercial customers or do you have a presence in the commercial markets today? Are you seeking non-dilutive types of funding to complete the development of your technology?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, you may want to consider watching our webinar recording on what an SBIR is and why they can be potentially valuable for your organization.  The SBIR program is designed to encourage US based, small businesses (less than 500 employees) to explore their technological potential with the 12 US Governmental agencies that participate in the program. Agencies participating in the program range from NASA to DHS and DoD. Typical SBIR program has 3 phases: Phase I awards can be worth up to $275K while a Phase II award can top $1.8M. Phase III are typically production product deployments and can potentially be worth well more than a Phase II.

Webinar Recording from 5-4-22.

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