SBIR Phase I Specifics
Blog Post Harvey Morrison Blog Post Harvey Morrison

SBIR Phase I Specifics

Why SBIR's:

As a quick refresher, at Marion Square we work with our clients to develop a comprehensive strategy for pursuing SBIR's. These programs are a critical piece to any successful Government go to market. Just recently Defense Secretary Austin stated that he wants to “double down on our Small Business Innovation Research program”, which is emerging as a preferred resource for gaining accelerated access to cutting-edge commercial technology through phased R&D and pilot programs. (Want To Scale Innovation at the DOD? Strengthen the SBIR Program - Nextgov)

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What is the SBIR Program and why is it Potentially Valuable for your Organization?
Harvey Morrison Harvey Morrison

What is the SBIR Program and why is it Potentially Valuable for your Organization?

Are you an innovative small company that has a technology you believe will solve a Government problem or provide an innovative solution to a Government need or requirement? Are you actively pursuing commercial customers or do you have a presence in the commercial markets today? Are you seeking non-dilutive types of funding to complete the development of your technology?

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SBIR and the Lean Start Up…
Blog Post Harvey Morrison Blog Post Harvey Morrison

SBIR and the Lean Start Up…

At Marion Square we focus on helping technology companies launch/grow their US Government business. We view the Governments Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) research program as a low cost, low risk approach for small technology companies to test Government product / market fit for their product or service. Instead of guessing at market requirements or running around the DC beltway trying to meet with dozens of agencies the SBIR program (especially the USAF Open Topic) allows organizations to submit a short proposal (typically less than 10 pages) explaining how their product/service will solve a USAF problem.

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